Category: Guest’s corner

In this section, we will publish short articles personally written by our guests, namely by all those people who wish to contribute actively to our project or by those who wish to have here a direct link to their sites or blogs. These articles will be thoroughly checked and, if considered valid and closely connected with our main themes, they will be published in this space with the direct link to the author’s website or with the personal contact information of the author .

Fashion Report – The Dirt Beneath the Glamour (Part 3)

August 26, 2008 1

Looking for some positive light for Italy’s future image Giannini turned to the Consorzio 100% Italiano…
In the luxury leather industry much of the work is carried out by hand using traditional skills, in order to achieve the best quality. An example of a good handbag made by these methods was estimated to have cost 90 euros in labour and, with fine materials, a total of 300 euros to produce, which makes its retail price of 500 euros a fair and reasonable figure, though these high standards don’t give anything like the profit margin that the illegal workshops do for those who use them..

By admin