How to take care of your handbag so it always stays beautiful and elegant?

April 23, 2010 0 By sonia.massi

Care your leather handbag

It often happens that we discover our dream handbag in the shop window of a prestigious luxury leather shop and, despite its price, we can’t stop thinking about it, even when we get home, and are watching TV or talking to our partner. We can’t get its image out of our heads, where it glows enticingly: we have finally found the article we have been dreaming of for years and, now that it is within reach, only few centimeters away, we feel ill if we don’t buy it immediately. We decide to economize on something else so that we can afford the price of our handbag, but the sacrifice is far outweighed by the joy we feel when we wear our dream bag for the first time, the emotion which takes our breath away and makes our heart race when we hold it for the first time, knowing that it finally belongs to us and nobody can take it away from us.

We look at our new handbag admiringly, we feast our eyes on every detail and we feel proud to have bought it. This item is more than just a handbag for us; it is a precious jewel and we have to do the best we can to keep it beautiful and unchanged over the years!

To start with, we take great care of this “object of our desire”, paying attention to putting it away properly in our wardrobe or putting it down in a safe place, away from any liquids or dirty surfaces which could damage its leather. But eventually our precious handbag meets the same sad destiny of our old bags: we fill it with many useless things, making it very heavy and stretching it out of shape, or scratching the leather, or we throw it carelessly in the wardrobe without storing it properly.

So, our beautiful new handbag, like our old ones, eventually loses its beauty and its elegance, becoming a shapeless container into which we throw all our stuff any old how and where useful and useless things are jumbled together in total confusion.

How many times have you spent a lot of time looking for your keys or your cell-phone in your bag, among a jumble of papers and tickets, going crazy because you could not find them? And how many times have you damaged your bag’s lining with a pen that lost its cap, in all the confusion?

When you buy a handbag, especially if it is made of prestigious leather, such as exotic skin, you have to pay attention to keeping it clean and protected, following some simple rules which will ensure that it remains beautiful and elegant over time.

A correctly maintained handbag, if of good quality, will retain its distinctive characteristics unchanged for a very long period!!!!!

So, let’s look together at the main rules to follow to take care of your handbag correctly:

  • Don’t overfill your handbag. Each handbag has its own capacity and can hold a specific weight; by overfilling it, you risk stretching the leather and losing its shape as well as damaging its leather (python skin is flexible but if the bag is too heavy, python leather can scratch);
  • Check through your handbag periodically (twice a week) and take out everything you don’t need anymore, so that you keep your handbag light. This is also much more practical (if it only contains a few things, it is much easier and quicker to find what you need);
  • Avoid putting non-essential things in your handbag that you hardly use (such as the hairdryer) because they will weigh you down and make your handbag very heavy to carry and end up hurting your shoulder!
  • Lipstick, eye-liner and eye-shadow are basic materials, which an elegant woman  certainly can’t do without, but they should be enclosed in a special section of the bag or kept inside a zippered pocket, so that they don’t break open and damage the handbag’s internal compartments. While you want your make-up accessories always to hand, you don’t necessarily have to carry your face cream or your cleansing lotion, which don’t really help to touch up your make-up but, on the contrary, are very heavy and will make you feel more tired from lugging them around.
  • Sharp objects, such as keys, should be kept in internal zippered pockets, created especially for them, otherwise they can scratch the internal fabric (if the bag’s inside is lined with fabric) or the leather ( if the inside is made of calf skin)
  • Avoid keeping perfumes or similar strong liquids in your handbag, which can seriously damage the bag if they leak.
  • You should always keep your handbag clean, using special leather creams or just a soft, dry cloth if your handbag is made of exotic leather such as python, crocodile or ostrich. If your bag is enriched by rhinestones or crystals, you can clean them using a damp cotton swabs  paying attention not to damage them.
  • If you won’t be using your handbag for a long period, we suggest you store it in a cloth bag to protect your handbag from dust and dirt. Put it into a protective cloth bag and keep it correctly on a shelf in your wardrobe. If the seller didn’t give you a cloth bag for your handbag when you bought it, you can always keep it inside a hard storage box wrapped in cloth. Boxes are good for storing bags with a soft structure which could be damaged and deformed if they are not stored correctly..

We are sure that if you follow these few simple rules for taking care of your “precious bag” correctly, it will never lose its natural beauty and superb elegance over the years, remaining at your side for twice as long, always ready to accompany you on every adventure and event of your sparkling life!!!!

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